Current Events

blog image of superhero women representing a stay-at-home mom overlooking a cityscape

Challenging Cultural Norms: The Financial Case for Stay-at-Home Moms

Being a “homemaker” or stay-at-home mom has been a hot topic in the news recently. This topic has certainly proven to be a bit of a lightning rod, and there is no one-size-fits-all for families. I simply want to provide a framework for families to consider the possibility of a stay-at-home mom. Not that long […]

Challenging Cultural Norms: The Financial Case for Stay-at-Home Moms Read More »

Will the stock market crash in 2024 blog image of downward markets

Will the Stock Market Crash in 2024? What 2023 Tells Us

I’ve already been asked this a few times this year (it’s January 2): Will the stock market crash in 2024? As we start the new year, we have an opportunity to reflect on the multitude of “mini-crises” that shaped the financial landscape in 2023. These challenges tested our resilience and forced us to confront the

Will the Stock Market Crash in 2024? What 2023 Tells Us Read More »

Increasing Inflation is likely coming. Blog image with text.

What the FED – Why Inflation Will Almost Certainly Increase to Close out the Year

Unless you have lived under a rock over the last few years, you have noticed inflation increasing slowly and not so subtly reaching into your pocket. For many Americans, this has taken a toll on their financial safety net and impacted their ability to sustain unexpected expenses. We all now know that the so-called transitory

What the FED – Why Inflation Will Almost Certainly Increase to Close out the Year Read More »

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